2009年11月10日 星期二


bring 和 take 的不同地方與用法? 請問這兩個不同的地方?與不同地方的用法?
例如: I take she go to shopping . 這樣用法對嗎?

take 和 bring 最大的不同是在於"方向".
take 是帶...去; 拿.
bring 是帶...來;帶在身上

(1) I take her to go shopping but I don't bring money with me. 我帶她去逛街, 但是我身上沒帶錢.

(2) 老師說: 作業帶來了嗎? (作業在你這裡.)

Do you bring your homework?
你: 對不起, 我忘了帶來.
Sorry, I forgot to bring it.

(3) 老師說: 作業你拿走了嗎?

Did you take your homework?

你: 沒有, 我沒拿.

No, I didn't take it.

(4) 你現在在家裡, 跟父母說你要帶女朋友回來.

Mom and Dad, I'll bring my girlfriend home today.

(5) 你在外面遇到朋友, 跟他說你要帶女朋友回家.

I'll take my girlfriend home today.



  1. dj:I will bring it tomorrow.
  2. maggie:Maybe I can bring your head to the school .(好像也可以用take)
    vam:You can bring her some tomoto juice.
  3. Will you bring me a hanger?
    Will you give me a hanger?
  4. I really don't want to put this on again. Won't you bring it up.
  5. Will you bring it in to me?
  6. I will have a porter bring it in(out).
  7. We can take away some furniture.
  8. Thank you for bring us here.


  1. Please give it to me.
  2. Can you give me some water?
  3. Can I have it?
  4. Can I have some paper?


  1. I will get that back tomorrow.
  2. Take out your workbook.
  3. You take it.(你拿著它)
  4. You take the ball.(球拿著)
  5. My husband took the car.Will you take me home.

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